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See the Game Differently: The Power of Sports Vision The Olympics kick off this weekend, and athletes around the world have poured blood, sweat, and tears into preparing for this ultimate stage. Countless hours of training, meticulous nutrition, and intense mental preparation converge on these few weeks of competition. While physical prowess is undeniably crucial, […]

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Vision plays a significant role in how children perceive and interact with the world around them. Because of this, detecting vision problems early in children is crucial for their overall development. From learning to read and write to engaging in sports and other activities, good eyesight is fundamental. However, children often may not realise or […]

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As parents, the health of our children is always a top priority, and their vision is no exception. For a child with poor eyesight, the right pair of glasses is a critical component in their developmental journey. Quality eyewear not only corrects vision, but also supports academic performance, boosts confidence, and can even influence social […]

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Clear vision plays an integral role in a child’s development, influencing their academic success, social interactions, and overall confidence. As parents and caregivers, ensuring our children have optimal vision is crucial. With the range of vision correction options available today, the decision is no longer as straightforward as just picking out a pair of glasses. […]

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It’s well known that making sure your child has plenty of sunscreen to shield their skin from the sun. What parents may not be aware of, however, is that their eyes need equal protection from ultraviolet rays. Sunglasses are more than just a fashion accessory. The truth is that just like sunscreen, sunglasses play a […]

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The potential for eye injuries to occur can be confronting for anyone, especially since they can happen unexpectedly and under the most ordinary circumstances. That is why it’s important to know how most common eye injuries happen, and what actions should be taken if they do. From accidental scratches while playing sports to a misjudged […]

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Contact lenses are a miracle product for people who need glasses, but don’t want to wear them. Small, customisable and versatile, they are a popular vision correction option for millions of people around the world, offering convenience, comfort, and freedom from the hassle of wearing glasses. However, proper contact lens care is crucial to ensuring […]

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As we increasingly rely on screens for work, school, and leisure activities, our eyes are under more strain than ever before. This is especially true for children, who are often spending hours each day staring at screens for homework, gaming, and socialising. The result is an increased risk of digital eye strain, a condition that […]

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When you were a child, your parents may have told you that eating lots of carrots can improve your eyesight, especially at night. This myth is almost a century old, originating in the Second World War as a way for the British Royal Air Force to cover up their use of radar technology, allowing them […]

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If your child is complaining of sore eyes or experiencing frequent headaches, particularly after a day at school, they may be suffering from eyestrain or eye fatigue. Eyestrain is a common condition, and is increasingly becoming an issue for children, who spend a lot of time staring at computer screens both at school and home. […]

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