Our team speaks a number of languages including

Our team speaks a number of languages including
Behavioural optometry explores the way in which your child interprets what they see, not just how clear their eyesight is. Behavioural optometrists delve deeper into vision issues, assessing both sight and your child’s ability to process visual information. It is more than measuring eyesight on a vision chart and providing a prescription for glasses. A behavioural optometrist will explore options with you to make sure that your child’s visual system is functioning optimally in the classroom and that they are processing visually derived information appropriately.
If a child is having difficulty with reading or learning, a visual perceptual assessment allows us to determine whether vision information processing skills are contributing to the problem. This assessment will allow us to get a better understanding of how your child’s brain processes visually derived information. These skills include visual memory skills, visual discrimination skills, visual-spatial skills, tracking and scanning.
Behavioural optometry is about more than simply assessing eyesight on a vision chart. At Bayside Eyecare, we investigate your child’s vision, visual skills and determine how effective visual learning is for them.
Our behavioural optometric eye examinations are similar to regular eye examinations you may have experienced in the past. The optometrist will examine the health of the eye, including the front, the retina and the structures inside of the eye. We assess distance vision, near vision and eye movements.
We will also provide a comprehensive binocular vision evaluation. This enables us to determine whether the two eyes are working well as a team, providing both stamina and flexibility as the visual requirements dictate in the classroom setting.
If there are any concerns about the impact on your child’s ability to learn efficiently from their visual system, we will also assess visual information processing skills.
Melbourne children deserve quality eye care, which is why the Bayside Eyecare team take the time to find an individual solution to any visual problem reported.
Our optometrists have focused their postgraduate studies on aspects of behavioural optometry, including the management of binocular vision dysfunctions, amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (turned eye) and vision information processing difficulties. They are able to provide vision therapy eye exercises in our dedicated vision therapy room for those individuals requiring vision therapy.
While these services are traditionally required for children with sight issues, we can also assist older patients with visual symptoms, particularly following head injuries sustained from sports or car accidents.
To consult our behavioural optometrists, you do not need a referral, and the cost of your examination can be assisted with Medicare. For those who have been referred to Bayside Eyecare by another optometrist, speech therapist, educational psychologist or ophthalmologist, we recommend that you bring any reports that may be relevant to your child’s eye health.
If you are concerned about your child’s sight and their ability to process visual information, book an appointment with our optometrists today. Alternatively, you can get in contact with us by calling (03) 9909 5329 or completing our online form.