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If your child is complaining of sore eyes or experiencing frequent headaches, particularly after a day at school, they may be suffering from eyestrain or eye fatigue. Eyestrain is a common condition, and is increasingly becoming an issue for children, who spend a lot of time staring at computer screens both at school and home. […]

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What is Myopia?

What is Myopia? Myopia, also commonly referred to as ‘nearsightedness’ or ‘shortsightedness’, is a common eye condition which causes blurred distance vision. Myopia is a condition in which light is focused in front of the retina (back of the eye) , resulting in blurred vision. Shortsighted people can often see reasonably clearly at short distances, […]

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I used to be one of those people who other people came to to thread a needle or read the fine print on a label. That was before a certain milestone birthday! (You know, the one that rhymes with sporty?) Since then, I have been in search of seeing things as clearly as I used […]

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kids eye test

Visual demands alter as children progress through different ages and stages. The visual requirements of a baby and preschooler are different from a school-aged child, who is learning to read and write. As students progress through their studies, the volume of time on screens and near based tasks increases. Older teenagers may elect to learn […]

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Discovering that your child has blurry vision can be quite upsetting for parents. How long has their vision been blurry? Is the blurry vision impacting their ability to perform in the classroom or on the sporting field? Will it improve? Will it get worse? What is wrong with their vision? Is the vision blurry in […]

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Tracking Eye Movements

kids eye tracking

What is eye tracking? Eye movement tracking skills are motor skills that allow the eyes to focus on objects, move from one object to another and follow moving objects. Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze (where one is looking) or the motion of an eye in relation to the […]

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Visual Spatial Skills

visual spatial skills

Visual-spatial skills are used to understand directional concepts which organise our visual space such as left and right, and influences letter and number reversals. Visual spatial skills help us with letter reversals. Some people considered letter reversals after age seven to be a symptom of dyslexia. While this can be true, the most common cause […]

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What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a completely natural part of aging where the eyes gradually lose the ability to focus on nearby objects. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in your early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65. You may become aware of presbyopia when you start holding books, newspapers and your phone at arm’s length […]

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What are multifocal contact lenses A multifocal contact lens is any type of contact lens that has two or more “powers”, or prescriptions. The prescriptions for multifocal contact lenses generally are made up of one prescription to see things clearly at a distance, and then another prescription for close distances. This arrangement is ideal for […]

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colour vision deficiency

Colour vision deficiency (sometimes called colour blindness) represents a group of conditions that affect the perception of colour.  Most colour-blind individuals identify objects by their texture, shape and other features instead of their colour. Types of Colour Vision Deficiency Red-green colour vision defects are the most common form of colour vision deficiency. Affected individuals have trouble […]

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